Monday, July 28, 2008


Post weekend and back to the working grind I traverse. In retrospect it is pretty awesome that Dark Knight has made a s-ton of money in just two weeks. What is it 300 plus million now?!!? DK after all is the pinnacle of what we know as "Blockbuster." I wanted to turn right back around after leaving the theater and handcuff myself to my seat for every following showing. Okay maybe not handcuffs, but some nice twine or my shoes laces looped together.

Moving on, now that the ever so riveting Tour De France is over, (yes that was actually going on at this time of year-I didn't notice either) to my dismay, I happened upon this ungodly fiasco in sports. I am the biggest soccer fan I know and this is every reason to loathe the sport, well that and the MLS. I now present to you dear DnN readers, The new kit fashion show unveiling for Bayern München (Munich) and YES its' CHOREOGRAPHED!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Will Ferrell: Just be YOURSELF!

Will Ferrell is a funny actor, (wait for it...) when he ISN'T actually acting. Consistently his rolls are far funnier when he is playing ridiculous characters YET as himself and not trying to act like them. Ex. mid 90s Saturday Night Live skits, Zoolander, Old School, Elf, Wedding Crashers, and Anchorman, (did I miss any other gut busting funny ones?)

On the flipside, there is Talledega Nights, Kicking and Screaming (which I actually liked) and Bewitched proof that when WF tries to act funny, its a piece of poo floating in the pool of comedy. Below is proof the Frank the Tank still has "it" oh and how lucky is John C. Reilly to be his wingman. I only hope Step Brothers (released July 25th) is WF and JCR having a good time that just happens to be on a movie set.

After all, acting as yourself in every roll worked for Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Clint Eastwood, Keanu Reeves, Nicolas Cage, Sam Elliott, Anthony Anderson, and Steven Seagal (I'm sure I missing some others) and they seem to be doing alright.

Here's the link since ESPN wouldn't let me copy the video directly not that I'm bitter:

Eternally Streaking through the quad to the gymnasium!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Herman Miller?!?!? WHY!!!!!!!!!!?

So on my routine worker bee drive to work yesterday I was reminded, via local radio show, that it was the 40th anniversary of quite possibly the world's worst idea: The "action office" or as we know it The Cubicle; better known as the professional unmotivator or work coffin or the cube farm or death at a desk etcetera etcetera
This was terrible in two ways:

1. I wasn't even to work yet and I was already reminded of where I would be spending the next 9 hours.

2. I had to spend the next 9 hours celebrating such a glorious holiday in an ACTION OFFICE!

This isn't a post to rant on where I work at all because I love and enjoy the place I work very much. I however do not enjoy the action office one iota. Now typical cubicles are a dejecting sight, unless of course covered in aluminum foil like the amazing example above. Mine is the top of the tops though; mine not only is a cubicle, but it is also, as I noticed even more today, UNDERGROUND! I am not even a lucky worker bee in a tree with a view, I am an army ant in the belly of the workforce beast.

Often times I picture myself acting out as Peter did in Office Space dropping one side of my cubicle down to get a better view. Alas that wouldn't work where I sit; it would only expose me to the fact that I'm surrounded by the exact same situations everywhere like a bad Beaverton housing development or Neo in the Matrix after taking the blue pill. (or was it the red pill? Who cares those movies went down faster than a Britney comeback tour)

I digress, so here's to you action office, may you suck the life out of beautiful professionals everywhere until they quit and open a tequila bar in some place far away, warm, and sandy. I hear Fiji is nice this time of year. Who's with me?

YO RAP: Almost August Edition

Post birthday and hitting the mid summer stretch of hot days, I dedicate this week's classic videos to all the ladies in the crowd...

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Nice shorts Willie it is a good thing you stuck to acting.

This video remind us to all make a pact to one day spray a bottle of Cristal we didn't buy off a yacht we don't own.

Lupe's anthem will for now be a classic back yard summer BBQ track fo sho!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Fought the IPOD Battery Life Law and It Won

Today after 5 hours of yard work in the sunny sunshine my IPOD's battery met its' impending shelf life terminating point of doom. Now faced with a consumer purchase to stimulate an economy that isn't ours, I'm reminded of the myriad of options for portable music players there is now since I purchased one last (2001). Too many for one blog is right! Since I'm partial to the IPOD, I began researching for my next purchase and just look at the Special Edition options I stumbled upon...


Somehow I'm leaning towards to C.A. special edition who's with me?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lincoln is Dead & Still Cooler Than All of Us

(Pres. Lincoln knows how to represent!)
If you're like me and probably 90 percent of the money making world, you have some sort of portable music playing device that you desperately cling to in times of:

a. loud people on public transit or impeding on your personal bubble
b. annoyingly depressing music at the gym
c. merely needing to escape to your own magical land of music bliss.

So if you have one of these devices and are ebola virus sick of your playlists here are some suggestions I have to amp up your music collection and coolness factor around... well... basically everywhere. Free downloads for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yo Rap Video Wednesday

This week's classic include Digital Underground's crazy nosed rappin' (Tupac actually started as one of their group's back up dancers-true story), Snow repping the Connecticut (yeah that's where he's from) white rapper one hit wonder style and Naughty by Nature doing what they do as hype rap ninjas. (Hoooooo! Heeeeeeey!) 93 til Infinity!

My Own Prediction

With this cast and this ridiculous scenario Tropic Thunder has the chance of being funniest movie EVER muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... okay okay not ever, but of the summer, okay second funniest after Pineapple Express. Basically I can't wait to watch this movie, the mock-umentary below speaks for itself on the possible hilarity level of TT. (Sidenote whenever I want to feel skinny I just look at Jack Black and suddenly I feel much better about the medium size Blizzard I just put down like water.)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Just like my professional career; but for reals, I was so excited about the four day work week I totally blanked on Classic Rap Vid Wednesday. My bad so here's Lucas, Ice Cube and Wreckx n Effect. Enjoy early 90s dance moves and swimsuits.

And just because I absolutely love these guys here is a new group The Cool Kids who rep 1994 no matter what year it is....

With A lil Bit of Gold and a Pager