Saturday, January 31, 2009

CONGRATS to The Natural

You might know him at Brandon Roy, in Portland he's referred to as B-Roy or more fittingly The Natural and once again in a ridiculously loaded Western Conference he is voted to the greatness as an allstar for Phoenix 2009. Maybe its the quiet 25-30 pts. he puts up night in and night out, or the 10 steals he had in a game or maybe its his lack of flash, selfless play and commanding leadership on the court. Its actually all of those things and amazing plays like this one...


Friday, January 23, 2009

T-Mobile Actually Did Something Cool

Happy Friday D&N fans! It is Obama's first weekend as President and the world already feels like a much better place.  Kick off those work shoes and throw on some high tops and enjoy T-Mobile's celebration!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

If the X-Men Had A JV2 Team...

They'd still beat the tar out of these folks.

These people are taking the "American dream" to a whole new level of  ARE you f*cking kidding me! Up up and AWAY!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

GBA: OBAMA is IN Edition!

Obama's Inauguration from space satellite

It has been forever since I've actually heard a President of ours able to speak as well as O-man did today. (Forever as in 8 years, as in you could've become a doctor in that time since Clinton.) You could classify him as the Lebron Tiger Bryant of oration. BO knows speaking.
B.O.'s amazing oration skills followed by possibly the best benediction speech I've ever heard aside, check out what the professional NFL athletes are doing in their off seasons... What else but campaigning for the next fantasy draft.  Here comes Fall 2009 already.