Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thank God for the EURO

Laker vs. Celtics= ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and anyone who says differently is a liar. Minus a few Kobe heroics and some melo-drama from Paul Pierce, this series has been about as exciting as a Britney television sitcom cameo. (TV please stop trying to save her.)
Nothing is more annoying than an over hyped rematch of too past super dynasties. I'm not saying that a Spurs-Pistons or any another combination of the final four remaining teams would've been any better. Because it would'nt have sucked any less. I keep hearing... "This is the NBA finals, where ___ happens." and that is exactly what has happened so far: nothing. The series is 2-1 now and I couldn't be any less excited for game 4. I think if Boston plays just okay basketball they will be winning in 6 and if they actually play "professional" basketball will be raising the trophy in game 5 in LA. Done and Done Thank God and I couldn't be happier.

On the flipside however, the Chicago Cubs (my team for better or worse) are 41 and 24 as of today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes that is 41 wins and 24 losses and potentially could have 7 players in the upcoming Allstar game. Amazing what happens when you have Lou Pinella up in your face everyday. All and all, if it wasn't for the Euro 2008 I'd give up on professional sports til October and the return of Greg Oden to the Trailblazers.
If only Auct-tober was next week... (and screw Dane Cook you are not funny, (take a breath) in any way (another breath), at all (one more big breath), ever! (exclamation point) If making ridiculous jestures and loud obnoxious noises makes you are famous stand up comedian, then I've been the most famous comedian since I was two!
Straight outta Compton!

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