Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Freedom Fries & Free Runnin'

Back in college, when the air would get hot, the girl's skirts shorter and when the beer would flow like the Salmon of Capastrano; some fellow fraternity brothers would venture out on campus to reak inner campus havoc and go Bush jumpin' . This activity is EXACTLY what it sounds like (We weren't too creative with the naming of activities back then.) Simply, dudes jumping out of windows, off roofs, and overhangs into giant bushes (Ironically being the very shrubbery that our ridiculous tuitions were allocated to keep pristinely maintained.) And (grammatical sidenote: You aren't suppose to start a sentence with "and" but I say WHY NOT I'm a rebel!) if we were really adventurous we'd take it to the next level doing car wheels or even (whoah now!) flips. Afterwards we typically escaped with minor bruises cuts and scrapes and we would return to the house full of self worth and self gratification. If only we could've found a beer sponsor we were could've been interntional stars of stupidity. Alas I digress because this was before Youtube, so we returned to our amatuer careers as students. On any given weeknight or weekend and excluding theme parties and slip slides, this was THEE height of our entertainment in the good olde capital city. (I only wish I was joking.)

Much like technology and the Amish, our simple sport of cheap adrenaline seeking couldn't remain simple for long. Now there is a new breed of insanity on the streets call "free running" (I didn't know it cost money to run) or "Le Parkour" (whatever that means in French) Another example of the French trying to steal back part of the ideas/country we bought from them way back even before the Oregon Trail was a real efficient means of transportation. (Basically the French are BIG suckers) ps the Oregon trail game rocked!

This new breed of activity's name, however much like ours, does not do it justice. It SHOULD be called:
Take your time to dissect that one, (brief pause) and then laugh out loud (a second but shorter pause), and then try to fit in on a SCRABBLE table.

These might be the most athletic people on Earth. Need an example? Well of course you do, so bust out the popcorn because here it is...


B Money said...

All I want to know... Why was there a rope outside the window?

Also, how does this differ from the favored drunken past time of freestyle walking?

B said...

The rope was put there for the French to make is look artsy action movie cool. (so so Euro)

These insane Frenchies are jumping building to building and doing back flips off of roofs, not foot stalling on curbs (strictly old school) that is how differs from "olde skewl" freestyle walkin. The potential for serious bodily harm has been one upped by the f*ckin frogmen. (G-dammit!!!)
Leave it to the damn French to put Darwinsm to the maximum test. Actually (insert diabolical "YEssssss" while tapping your fingers together) let them have at it.

See Parkour gone amatuer: